Monday, December 12, 2011

The Last Time America Had Sound Currency

In 1913 the abomination that is the private Federal Reserve was established. Soon after that the U.S. no longer had it's own back currency, but rather "Federal Reserve Notes" which were, and are essentially just paper.

Below is a picture containing three currency items from Xieon Politics, a full description follows below.
Xieon Politics Currency Items Rear Top Down A, B, C

Xieon Politics Currency Items Front Top Down A, B, C

The first item is a silver certificate, series 1935 A, stating "One dollar in silver to bearer on demand".  A currency that was backed by something physical. The second item, b, is a 1957 A silver certificate which also states the bearer shall receive one dollar in silver.

Piece A)
1935 A Blue Stamp Silver Certificate
G2554 - Serial #: P11652481B

Piece B)
1957 A Blue Stamp Silver Certificate
E688 - Serial #J76898708A

Piece C)
1913 "(The Year of the Fed)" Barber Dime


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just Give Us Your Information says SCRIBD - For Security

Another example of trading freedom, and privacy for security.

In another attempted blow to destroy any notion of privacy, and a twisted ironic sense users of have been receiving the following notice, spread throughout the entire website. E-Mail Message as of 12/5/11 11:48 AM EST

In a twisted, in your face type of humor the message asks users to provide the company with their e-mail addresses, followed by an ironic joke of a promise to not spam you. Most likely Scribd would simply sell off your information instead of spamming you, but that's hardly a concern.

What's even worse about this is that the user has no idea what their e-mail address is being used for. There is simply a send button, to whisk off your personal information, however there isn't a terms of use, or any type of disclaimer for that matter anywhere near the e-mail prompt.


Halliburton Subsidiary and Military Seeking F.E.M.A. Camp Contractors

The website Infowars, the sister website of PrisonPlanet, and PrisonPlanet TV as well as the main website for the Alex Jones' radio slash streaming television show, and a nightly news broadcast has received a leaked letter, from an official asking for immunity, stating the preparation of F.E.M.A. Camps.

Original letter saved from - If too small for reading, either a) save the image and enlarge it, or b) press the CTRL button while scrolling the mouse wheel. 



A new disclaimer is currently being written, and will be posted in this space when available.