Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Protect the Second Amendment - H.R.45

Today I recieved a distrurbing email listing Obama's plan to destroy our Second Amendment rights - we must NOT let them take our GUNS.

Here is the text of the e-mail from congressman Paul Broun (R-Georgia)

Dear Concerned American,

The great pay-back has begun, and it's going to be ugly.

The gun grabbers in Congress are paying back the anti-gun extremists who put them and Barack Obama in office.

Hi, this is Congressman Paul Broun from Georgia.  I wish I had better news, but you and I are facing an assault on our gun rights like we’ve never seen before.

You see, H.R. 45 is Barack Obama’s gun control package, and it includes the most vile anti-gun measures he’s supported over the years.

It's only the first step...

...but it's a HUGE step.

H.R. 45 establishes a NATIONAL gun registry database of every gun and its owner -- for the whole county! Your private information and every gun you own would be in the system.

But that’s only if you succeed in buying a gun in the first place!

And since H.R. 45 dramatically increases requirements for firearms purchases far beyond those ever proposed, you just might find youself incapable of buying a firearm once this bill takes effect.

And it gets worse too.

The National Association for Gun Rights has a survey ready for you to complete, but I want you to understand just how dangerous this bill is before I give you the link.  Please bear with me for a moment.

You see, H.R. 45 would establish a national gun registry database which would:
  • Increase requirements for firearms purchases, far beyond those ever proposed.
  • Create a national firearms registry overseen by the Federal Government.
  • Invoke Draconian penalties for bookkeeping errors related to the Federal Firearms Database.
It gets worse though.

Sarah Brady and her allies in Congress want to force you to take a written exam to prove that you are "fit" to exercise your Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms.

I'm outraged by this, and I know you are too.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you that gun registration has historically laid the groundwork for total firearm confiscation. Citizen disarmament is the watchword of tyrants everywhere.

In fact, the most brutal dictators of the last century were famous for their gun registration and confiscation schemes.

But H.R. 45, Obama's National Gun Registry and Citizen Disarmament Act, is more than just a forced registration of all firearms in America.

The bill also makes it increasingly difficult to buy a gun in the first place.

Taken right out of Sarah Brady's Christmas wish list, H.R. 45 includes a laundry list of new restrictions on firearms purchases.

In addition to the outrageous national gun registration requirement, H.R. 45 also requires you to:
  • Pass a written examination to purchase a firearm.
  • Release your medical records -- including confidential mental health records -- to the government to get your "fitness" to own a firearm approved.
  • Observe a two-day waiting period before all firearms purchases.
  • Pay a gun tax of $25 or more on all firearm purchases.
Moreover, H.R. 45 bans all private firearms sales and maximizes penalties for minor clerical errors in dealing with the national gun registry.

The list goes on and on.  It's enough to turn your stomach.

I know I don't have to tell you, but these restrictions make a mockery of the Constitution.  "The Right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" might as well say: "You have no rights."

If a two-day waiting period, a written exam and a gun tax aren't infringing our rights, I don't know what is!

Even the Supreme Court’s recent Heller decision guaranteeing an individual’s right to own a firearm doesn’t hamper Barack Obama’s agenda one bit.

In fact, it emboldens gun grabbers to pass legislation taxing ammunition, increasing registration requirements, and drastically limiting when, how and where you can use your firearm.

That’s why I’ve decided to stand with the National Association for Gun Rights fight back against this radical scheme. They're fully committed to stopping the efforts of the gun grabbers, but they need the help of grassroots gun owners like you.

With liberals calling the shots in Washington, all supporters of the Second Amendment must join together, draw a line in the sand, and fight this battle to the end.

We must make this gun-grab expensive and politically painful for the enemies of freedom.  If we do, they'll flinch ... and LOSE.

By mobilizing hundreds of thousands of grassroots gun owners across the country, the National Association for Gun Rights can put anti-gun politicians on the hot seat.

Are you opposed to national gun registration?

Are you opposed to a written examination to buy a gun?

Are you opposed to a new $25 gun tax?

Are you opposed to a total ban on private firearm sales?

If you said "Yes" to these questions, click here to fill out a special survey the National Association for Gun Rights has prepared for you


Your survey will put you squarely on the record AGAINST Barack Obama’s gun control package.

Stopping un-Constitutional gun control bills like H.R. 45 may be NAGR’s top priority, but they need your help.

Along with your signed survey

, please send the National Association for Gun Rights a generous contribution to help finance this battle.  You will have the opportunity to donate right after you fill out the survey.

The truth is, H.R. 45 is just the tip of the iceberg.

Sarah Brady and her cohorts in Congress now have the support of a willing White House and won't stop until they've reached their ultimate goal: A virtual ban on private, individual firearm ownership.

That is why NAGR simply must hear from you immediately


Please take a moment to fill out NAGR's H.R. 45 survey, and, if at all possible, send a contribution of $200, $150, $100 or maybe just $25 to help the National Association for Gun Rights fight H.R. 45 and Sarah Brady's gun control wish list.

I know this is a lot to ask, but inaction could very well lead to defeat and the loss of our right to keep and bear arms.

Whether you can afford $200 or a lesser amount of $50 or $25, please contribute what you can.

It's critical we do all we can.

Thank you in advance for contributing your time and money towards defending our Second Amendment rights.

For Freedom and Liberty,

Paul Broun
U.S. Congressman (R-GA)
National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. The anti-gun extremists who helped put Obama in power are itching for pay-back -- and here it comes.
H.R. 45 is the most sweeping gun control proposal ever offered in America.  And under this administration, it might just pass -- so please act today!


Poll numbers increasingly show lack of support for health care overhaul

A recent Gallup poll shows that 61% of all Americans support health care being a personal responsibility and not the responsibility of the government.  Only 35% of Democrats believe in personal responsibility, which must come as a shock however to the far-left liberals who cannot accept that others don't agree with their sunshine and lollipops view of the world. 89% of Republicans and 64% of Indepdants also favor personal responsibilty.

An important number to look at is the Independent number because they were a large factor in the election of Obama, and their movement in droves away from his policies help to highlight how out of touch Obama really is with America, and shows that he lied blatantly during the election, and is the most untrustworthy, far-left president in history - far from the centrist he claimed to be.

As the support for government health care overhauls consistantly drops, so does Obama's ratings -

Although these numbers are important, they mean nothing if the President and his political allies do not heed them. The president is so desperate to please his fringe base and funnel money to his allies, he is pushing health care through dispite the average American's disapproval.

America is angry, and Obama will be a one term President - however, the damage done to the country before then may be irreversible.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

CZAR Watch - Kevin Jennings and Homosexuality

The Obam's administration's "safe school czar" is heard in a recently removed youtube posting promoting homosexuality, among claims of his promotion for pedophilia.

Is this the type of person who should be the safe school czar?

This video was removed from youtube in typical left-wing fashion. Any video,images,or screenshots that are found in the least bit controversial MUST be saved as a HARD copy, or they will disappear down the rabbit hole forever. The left is constantly trying to white wash their image, and are trying to regulate talk radio and the internet to protect such stories from breaking. Save what you see, so like this video, when it disappears we can show it to the world. Luckily I have a hard copy of this video and was able to upload it.

Atrocious murder of high school honor student

I need not write any words to describe the horrible acts shown in this video - it is distrubing, and disgraceful, and Chicago needs to have a government that isn't involved in corruption and personal profit, and maintains the safety of it's citizens.

If anyone knows the people involved in this video it is your public duty to report it to the authorities.

Rachel Maddow, the fringe media, and the real ACORN

Fringe media's Rachel Maddow, of MSNBC, has a segment detailing the true nature of ACORN, and goes on the defensive against the implied "vast right-wing conspiracy".

The video seen here -

is a clearly unbiased look at ACORN, even though the "vast left-wing conspiracy" consisting of labor unions, ACORN, President Obama, Government Electric and it's media wing MSNBC & NBC, are in no way connected.

Maddow goes on to claim that the outrage against ACORN is in part funded by

paranoid Republican congressman Steve King of Iowa

for daring to draw a connection between President Obama, who stated ACORN would have a seat at the table in his administration, and ACORN, shocking?

Maddow implies that there is a right-wing conspiracy against ACORN

thanks to the right-wing crusade against it
and later states that

ACORN has been a corrupt political enterprise that steals elections and turns a blind eye to prostitution...that is the story line the mainstream media has latched onto.
 Unless Maddow considers Fox News and talk radio the mainstream media, which they are quickly becoming, she is clearly living in the fringe media bubble, since it took an inappropriate amount of time for the fringe media such as the NYT and ABC,NBC,MSNBC, and CNN to even glance at the ACORN story, and when they did cover the story it was downplayed, buried, and biasly skewed.

Maddow cannot understand why an organization that

is advocating for higher minimum wage...[filing] taxes...finding jobs....[and] registering people to vote
is being

defunded and demonize[d]

Maddow continues to imply that there is some conspiracy against ACORN by referring Richard Berman, a lobbyist that has created websites such as Maddow goes on to say that it's almost impossible to discover who is funding Berman, and believes that it is coporate funded phony grassroots organizations.

Maddow and the fringe media relents to report the facts that coporate and union funded protesters are bused to events for healthcare reform, and teaparties, with professional printed signs, union buses, and boxed lunches. However Maddow wants to focus only on Berman.

Maddow then reveals the astonishing number of over a dozen front organizations she claims Berman has. This is shocking to the fringe media and is a huge cause for concern. Perhaps a better story would be the 140 front organizations of ACORN, many tax-payer funded, which funnel and shuffle money around, and a large majority have the same address in New Orleans, an old funeral home, that clearly cannot accommodate a hundred organizations, their equipment, and their staff. She also refuses to show that ACORN too is non-profit organization, and has consistantly refused to show it's books.

Maddow is clearly a master of irony.

The rest of the video contains similar bouts of irony and media bias, although, watching the entire 11 minutes should be classified as torture, and the ACLU should investigate their own lunatic fringe base.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hollywood speaks out for Health Care

In another idiotic posting by hollywood actors, a public service announcement was released showcasing several actors speaking sarcastically about health-care.


Obama pushes for Olympics - U.S. projected to "massacre" competition

In true Chicago political fashion, Obama continues to scratch the back of his crony buddies, including Chicago mayor Richard Daley.

Obama and his allies will use this as a chance to funnel federal funds to their political allies, and undoubtedly large Chicago unions, under the cover of Olympic development. This will be nothing but a way for Obama to fund his far-left allies, and rally support for the Democratic party by buying votes and support.

Obama's top political adviser, who refers to Obama as family although isn't close enough to relate Obama to Bill Ayers whom he just doesn't know, really, he promises, Vallery Jarret is quoted as saying -
In addition, should Chicago have the honor of being selected 2016 Host City, the White House will utilize this new office to ensure the seamless integration of the federal government and its resources to support Chicago's planning and operations.
The planning and operations will be from companies and firms that are pro-left democratic, and most likely Chicago's top allies for universal health care.

It is clear the Obama and the left will do anything to promote the Chicago Olympics, even such shocking moves as going back on their original statements, such as Obama's statement to International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge -

"he current political situation in Washington did not allow him to participate in the bid in Copenhagen,"
However, in the first time since taking office, President Obama has waffled on an issue and has decided he will personally lobby to allow more corruption to flow through Chicago's blood-soaked, body riddled, super-pro-left corrupt monolith of a city.

In another effort to promote their agenda, the left-wing Huffington Post has again decided to ignore an issue, and offer skewed statistics in their 3 paragraph coverage of a much larger issue -

About 64 percent of respondents wanted the Games and 28 percent didn't. Of all those surveyed, 75 percent said they opposed the use of tax money.
In the real world that isn't filled with liberal rainbows and lollypops the true numbers as reported by Chicago Tribune reflect that -

only 47% of Chicagoans were in favor of the city’s bid for the Olympics.  A huge 84% said they do not approve of using public money (i.e.- tax payer dollars) to fund the 2016 Summer Games in their city.  Chicago residents do not want to be on the hook for cost overruns or other infrastructure costs which may fall back on them.
This is a huge problem for the Obama administration which is dying to repay its coordinated corruption allies. In a typical mainstream media move, the left has attempted to silence the critics. The local fox news station ran a story about the growing disapproval, and near impossible logistics of such an opperation in a report, however,  sources tell the Druge Report that -

A local TV station that reported on Chicagoans NOT wanting the Olympics has been told NOT to run the report again
 This is typical far-left Obama administration fashion, and highlights just how far the vast left wing conspiracy will go to pad the pockets of their large supporters, such as large unions, and to avoid listening to American's, refuse to believe anyone can disagree with them, and trudge forward with only their own ideology, regardless of anything going on outside their own mindset.

On the plus side, since Chicago has had over 500 murders in 2008, if we could just get the youth and gangbangers to stop killing themselves, and start shooting members of foreign Olympic teams, the U.S. will win a gold in every event, and we can rename the Olympics the Obamics, after the man who allowed the "United States Massacre of Olympic Competition" to occur.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Government Electric Health Care Chart

The newest government entity, Government (I mean General) Electric, makes no secret of its bed-room style relationship with those on the left, and the Obama administration. Several members of G.E. receive government, tax-payer funded, jobs, along with tax-payer funds, and uses its media wing (MSNBC) to promote it's far left agenda.

General Electric again has decided to put it's foot where it doesn't belong, and not where you're thinking, although it is constantly up there as well.

On the main page of General Electrics website, where one may expect to find new technological innovations, there is instead a large link to a "Good Bill of Health" which is clearly a play on words promoting the new bills being proposed on health-care reform.

Here is the image posted on the link -

  This is a typical left-wing America bashing image that bashes the U.S for spending too much of G.D.P on health-care, having a higher infant mortality rate than Cuba, and having a low life expectancy.
There are a few things that this chart doesn't explain, so lets look at the actual statistics the chart used -

World Health Organization Statistics - any statistics derived from this organization are clearly flawed. To begin with any organization that has "world" in it, can't favor democratic capitalistic countries too favorably.  One flaw is that for countries lacking solid statistics, say Cuba, the statistics are derrived by
Estimates of mortality are derived from death registration data reported annually to WHO. For countries where such data are not available or are of poor quality, survey and census sources are analysed and used to create life tables for each country. -
Another problem is that the World Health Organization only counts a infants that are considered life-birth. Different countries use different variables to consider a "live birth" such as a babies weight, fetus' past certain number of weeks that could have been sustained, or babies that are fully born and breathing. This negatively affects the United States infant mortality rate. Cuba is listed on the chart has having better health-care in relation to infant fatalities compared to the United States, the problem is the statistics don't mention that Cuban women have an abortion at any sign of a problem, and those fetus' are not counted in the statistics, where since America has a better health care system, mothers have increased options of attempting to solve the problems, and continue the pregnancy. If the statistics are based upon number of abortions vs number of parents who continue the chance to have a child and are spared the heart-break, then I am happy America falls behind Cuba.

Another huge problem with the statistics - some are derrived from
Healthcare, Guaranteed by Ezekiel J. Emanuel
Seriously, I'm not kidding. Dr. brother to Rahm Emanuel, the Presidents Chief of Staff, gave statistics to the makers of this chart. The Emanuel's, along with President Obama are consistently trying to gain public support for the "public option" and a government takeover of health-care, how trust worthy can any statistics given by the Emanuel's be? It's like the fox guarding the hen house, it doesn't make sense.

Another group to look at -

Physicians for a National Health Program
Quoting statistics from a socialist agenda group in an effort to put forth a socialist entitlement? Again, the fox guarding the hen house. Government Electric uses several groups that skew statistics in favor of their own agenda, because they have a likewise ideology, and the same goals.

The statistics used are either severely flawed at best, or should not be counted because they are in no way independent of the issues.

Government Electric and Obama - lying their way into your pocket - one ecomagination at a time.

World Health Organization Report

America - Stand Strong - Stand Up

There is no shortage of outrage over the left-leaning messiah-in-chief Barrack Obama, and his Constitution destroying cronies. There are constant tweets and blogs explaining the flaws in health care and the disapproval with the policies, however, they are sometimes just that.

I have had many tweets of mine retweeted, and retweed again by other people, and so on in a constant circle of tweets, however, they are usually amongst those who share the same ideas. Although the amount of people following me on twitter is constantly growing, it's usually amongst my own ideological base.

There is no question that we must stand together, and stand strong. That those of us who believe whole heartidly in the United States Constitution, a small governement, and the principles that this great country was founded on need to stand together, to organize amongst ourselfs, and to have our voices heard, but preaching to the quoir is just that.

We need to not only stand strong, but to stand up.

Tweeting is a great way to spread the news, but lets start creating news of our own before sharing it. Write a letter, make a phone call, look into running for office, contact the local news agencies, or organize a protest. Then it is those acts that should be shared amongst our base on twitter and through blogs, share the letter you wrote so others may follow suit, let others know your plans for office, or when an event will be held.

There is no shortage of issues to object, pick one, or all, but it is time we make our voice heard even louder, even clearer, and by others than just our own piers. It is time to get those in Washington, and those who have yet to join the movement apprised of our actions.

Do not give up America, do not falter. This country was founded upon great men who took action to establish the worlds greatest nation.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Indoctrination of School Children

Outrage has poured in over the Presidents speech to school children, and the subsequent materials that were initally to be passed out following the speech, and the recent video released of school children singing a praise Obama song.

These are only a few, reported, incidents of the far-left liberal teacher unions using their power over children to indoctrinate them into their cause and to praise their messaih Barrack Obama. Below I have included several other websites, and materials aimed at indoctrinating children, some with such educational material as Barrack Obama's family tree - remember math and science?

Obama Family Ven-Diagram -

How about simply writing a letter to the President - simple enough?

  • Say to students: "Imagine that you have been asked to make a list of goals for the president. What would those goals be?" Write students' responses on the board.
  • Tell students that they are going to write letters to the president, include the goals they discussed, and send good wishes to the president and his family.
How about those students who want to make their own decisions regarding they agree or disagree with the president? If by this age there are those who have formed their own ideas regarding the world they would most likely be repremanded for having such ideology. It's a left only classroom

What does it mean to be a president? A person focused on the good of the nation, and protecting the United States Constitution, someone dedicated to public service and their constituents. Those are all reasonable answers, however, the left wants to focus on how Barrack Obama is the President, how, he and he alone is the greatest president ever, and what being the president means, as focused on Obama. Explore the office of the President through Obama?

Get your students involved in the issues facing President Obama with these activities, articles, and lessons. Explore what it means to be president of the United States by centering these activities and lessons on Barack Obama.
These are but a few of the materials I discovered, there are many more, and many more which go unreleased.

It's a scary thought just how many kids may be going to school, parents expecting them to learn the fundamentals and gain the ability to utilize free thought and speech, and instead are having their ideology shaped by the far left teachers unions, and sickeninly being bread to nod their head and say yes, not ask questions, and praise their saviors.
Related Material
Free Obama Coloring Material
Write a Letter to the President
Barrack Obama - Exploring US Presidency

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Is the U.S. headed towards Hondourian Fate?

An issue talked about briefly in the media, not enough as it should be, is the situation in Honduras regarding their former, now ousted, president Manuel Zelaya.

Zelaya attempted to call for a referendum to attempt to change the Honduras Constitution, remove term limits, and attempt to follow the dictator of Venezuela Hugo Chavez.  The Honduras Supreme Court intervened and warned Zelaya that what he was attempting to do was illegal and in violation of the Constitution. Zelaya ignored the high court and in June attempted to continue with his plans.

Zelays defiance to the Supreme Court led to the court ordering the Honduras military to arrest Zelaya, at his home, and fly him out of the country. This has led to outrage from several nations, including the United States, or atleast United States politicans. The outsting of Zelaya is called a coup, and top Washington liberals such as President Obama and Secretary Clinton are urging for the reinstatement of President Zelaya, and refuse to recognize Roberto Micheletti, the interm president, as the legitamate president of Honduras.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Top 5 Reasons Liberals are like Little Kids

Many often say that liberals learn their tactics from Saul Alinsky and "Rules for Radicals", I feel that is giving liberals too much credit, they take their tactics from little children.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Illegal Immigrants & Un-American's

Un-American Watch - Bottom of the Page

Everyday the percentage of legal tax paying citizens is diminishing as the illegal immigrant population and problems simultaneously rises.

I personally have witnessed the influx of illegal immigrants in my city and the neighboring areas. The problem has been especially visible at a local Home Depot, in Salem, Massachusetts.  A large group of immigrants stands outside everyday, not only being an eye-sore, but a daily insult to the America I love so much.


Friday, September 18, 2009

American Soverignty - Illegal Immigrants

The world was once a planet comprised of several sovereign nations, with individual rules of law, however, the left has been engaged in a battle over the years to destroy sovereignty, along with national security, and American freedom.

America was, and at a slower rate now, considered the worlds leading nation, and people from the far corners of the globe immigrated, legally and illegally, into the United States for a chance for a better life, provide for their loved ones, and escape persecution while enjoying the freedoms our great nation offers.

While there are continuously those who want to enter America based upon their view that it is a great nation, the far left takes an apologetic approach towards America, and wants to apologize to the world for our successes, and feel that since America and Americans have wealth, earned by years of hard work and innovation, that it should be redistributed to people and countries that lack the American work effort, and believe that the American dream should be a robin-hood style approach, rather than working hard to achieve ones goal.

The left has a fundamental guilt for being American, and wants to apologize and redistribute wealth to those who weren't born in America, and have broken the law to get here.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

The ACLU is Destroying America

It is no shock that when one considers the far-left, the American Civil Liberties Union is a closely associated partner of their radical agenda.

Since the ACLU's formation in 1961 the organization has had fundamental problems with Americas founding principles, and have had a chilling effect on America's freedom, domestic and international security, our founding principles, and capitalism.

During the recent years the effects of the ACLU's far-left progressive agenda have been felt possibly more and in larger scale than during any other time since the organizations founding over 40 years ago. They have launches campaigns against the fundamental principles and practices of America, and have led some to believe that they are fundamentally at odds with America, and some go so far as to claim they even hate the United States, and wish to apologize for the nations successes, reduce our sovereignty and advance a socialist agenda.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lies, Racism, Misinformation, and the Healthcare Debate

Over the past several months the national debate has been shaped into a debate over health care reform.  A bill that was intended to be pushed down the throat of the American people before the Congress went on their summer vacation, in order to avoid the American public from reading what was in the bill.

This tactic didn't work, and the Congress unsuccessfully passed a health care reform bill before their vacation, and the American people did in fact find out what was in at least one of the health care reform bills, HR3200.


Community Organize against ACORN

Community Organize against ACORN

Updates -
9/16/2009 - Updated with letter to Massachusetts Senate re ACORN investigation
9/18/2009 - Updated with e-mail correspondence with Massachusetts ACORN

It was only about a year ago when most of us didn’t know what a community organizer did. With the ushering in of our Liberal in-chief messiah Barrack Obama came the newest far-left term, the Community Organization/Organizer.

When Barrack Obama was preaching to the masses about hope, change, and transparency it was also the time when far-left radical liberals were seen by some as helping the poor and needy, and getting those who wouldn’t normally vote to get out and vote.

However, since Barracks inauguration, the only hope has been for those political allies of Barrack Obama, the Democrats, and the far left, who line their pockets with the same ill-gotten coordinated corruption money, and are all in the same far reaching web of corruption, lies, and greed. The change that Barrack Obama preached is coming with the change of our Democratic-Republic capitalistic society into a socialistic robin-hood style government full of corruption, greed, and those who want more entitlements from the great wealth-redistributor, Barrack Obama.

In order to fight this oppression and middle of the night takeover of our once great government we must employ the same tactics that the far-left is using, namely those written about by Saul Alinsky in “Rules for Radicals”


Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"

The far-left uses the tactics taught by Saul Alinsky almost daily in their attempts to get their radical progressive agenda passed.  In order to defeat the enemy, one must know the enemy.  By knowing and understanding the tactics used by the far-left radicals, there is a better chance of defeating this socialist agenda.

Below I have included the "Rules for Radicals" and in a later post will go into more depth, however, at this time I will simply list the rules.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Media Bias Continues

Over the past several days several undercover videos of ACORN have been exposed, taped by a team posing as a pimp an prostitute. These videos have been taken in several cities, and as a result of their release several ACORN employees have been fired, the U.S. Census has allegedly severed it's ties with ACORN for the 2010 Census, and the Senate voted to strip ACORN of federal funding and grants.

Today a video was released that implicates politicians by name, and even implicated an ACORN member in a murder.

This story should be a new organizations equivalent of Christmas. This has everything a story could possibly have, politicians, tax-evasion, prostitution, undercover video, murder, political connections, even the POTUS is linked to this story, since he did legal work for ACORN and wanted to organizations help during his term in office, and his campaign gave over $800,000 to ACORN for the get out and vote campaign.



Hello everyone, and welcome to my new blog named Xieon's Politics. This blog will primarily offer insight into the current state of political affairs in the United States.

Below I have listed the disclaimer for this blog, along with significant links, and contact information.



A new disclaimer is currently being written, and will be posted in this space when available.